In 2020 i was commissioned by Make your Mark Studio ( https://www.makeyourmark.studio ) to design and produce a series of three bronze sculptures for Caernarfon castle in North Wales as part of the King's gate renovation scheme being carried out by Grosvenor construction ( www.grosvenorconstruction.co.uk/kings-gate-caernarfon-castle/ ). Each sculpture uses the theme of 'hands' to represent historical characters from the castle' medieval period. Sculpture 1 represents the Chamberlain, who dealt with the the castle' finances during Edward the 1st period of castle building. Sculpture 2 is a bronze model of the castle set into a pair of stone hands, carved by master stonemason Graeme Mitcheson ( www.chisel-it.co.uk ) , and represents the architect of Caernarfon castle presenting his design to the king. Sculpture 3, titled 'Legacy' is the scrap pile remnants of an imagined grand statue of Edward the 1st. All bronze casting was carried out by the fantastic team at MB Finearts Foundry ( https://www.mbfinearts.co.uk )